International Critical Incident Foundation Canada logo with tagline, "For Our Heroes"
ICISF-Canada, Inc.(International Critical Incident Stress Foundation - Canada) Logo

IN A CRISIS? Please call 9-8-8 24/7/365 or go to

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International Critical Incident Stress Foundation-Canada 


Ph:  1-780-953-CISM (2476)  Fax: 1-587-521-0100

Assisting Individuals in Crisis (Clearwater Regional) Day 1 of 2

You are invited to register for Basic Training in ICISF CISM hosted by Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services and Sponsored by OHS Mental Health for First Responders 2021 grant cycle. This is a four-day course for first responders interested in CISM Peer Support and is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and specific protocol for, incident assessment, strategic planning, individual (one-on-one) crisis intervention techniques, informational group crisis techniques, and interactive group crisis techniques.

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